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9 seats minibus rental in Tallinn Airport and for traveling in Estonia or Europe. Rental buses are 2023...2024. You can rent a bus from us perfectly for traveling with a group. All buses have automatic transmission. To drive a rental bus, the driver only needs a category B driver's license. As an additional service, OÜ Autocar autorent offers a minibus rental service with a driver. We ask that you book a bus rental with our driver at least 2 working days in advance. From our buses, you can choose new and large luggage space Renault Trafic 9-seater buses and comfortable automatic Volkswagen rental buses. We also offer a trailer trailer hook van or rental car. We are located near Tallinn Airport, Keevise tn 4a, Tallinn. Book a minibus rental from this page or call now mob: 53869827
We offer a variety of cars, minibus, and vans.
We are situated near Tallinn Airport at Keevise 4a.
Prices starting from € 19 per day.
We are situated near Tallinn Airport at Keevise 4a.
Minibus rental prices starting from € 49 per day.
“Väga meeldiva ja paindliku teenindusega autorent Tallinnas. Võimalik sõita ka sellistesse maadesse nagu Rumeenia ja Moldova. Abistati bussi mõõtmisel ja anti häid soovitusi reisiks. Vajadusel rendin jälle sealt!”
Silvi, Tallinn
“I have rented a minibus from Autocar twice – last summer and this March. Both trips were quite long. What I like about Autocar is that you get what you are promised, and you can also be sure that the vehicles will last the trip. The price quote promised a new bus with an LCD TV set, and it had one indeed! The staff is also very friendly and outgoing, I will keep using their services in the future.”
– Meelis Enden, Metran Reisid OÜ
“Parim Autocari juures on see, et ta asub lennujaamale lähedal. Lennukile tullakse vastu ja kui ilmneb mingeid probleeme, siis tegeletakse nendega kohe. Veel on hea, et kohapealt saab ka soodsalt laeunutada lasteistmeid.”
Liina S
“Minu firma pakub majutusteenust ja mõnikord on vaja oma töösõitudeks rendiautot. Suuremate asjade veoks on ka kaubikud olemas. Esimest korda leidsin selle rendifirma juba 8…10 aastat tagasi.”
– D. Solovjov, Baltic Boutique Apartments